Dompig is Talking.

Deputy Gerold Dompig who is currently heading the investigation in the case of missing Natalee Holloway, has broken his silence on National Television last night and today printed in all major local newspapers. These are his most important points:
* The search still continues at the area west the Fisherman's Hut and stretches up to 3 miles north near the Malmok area. The area they are searching is approximately 700 feet deep and they are one mile off the coast.
* Tim Miller insisted that they are not trying to take the investigation over and does not want to jeopardize it either by giving statements of what they are finding.
*He also stated he is confident in the ALE, but also said that this could be a case where a body is never retrieved.
* Gerold Dompig with a statement on national television tonight said that the investigation is still ongoing and made a lot of remarks regarding some suspicion they are having.
* He restated that the ALE is definitely interested in talking to the mother and does not understand she has not listened to the many request the ALE made to her to come back.
* He finds it odd that the mother is only available through her lawyers and talk-shows. He also commented that it is also odd that they setup an emergency fund in the states, that has grown now up to millions of dollars and yet the father is in Aruba, has no access to that money and has to ask for special hotel rates, comps and discounts to stay here, which he certainly gets.
* He also said that the mother is acting strange, since what the ALE wants to ask her may lay some important keys to what may have happened to Natalee, some questions might be tough, but for a lady that fighting and bashing an island everyday, he can not understand why she is still not here. If she wants to help, come back to Aruba.
* He also wants to know what has been done with the millions that thousand of people put together in the fund.
* He said that this case has two possible scenarios:One: Natalee was killed by some one for certain unknown reason.Two: This case is a scam. In this part he elaborated that are two kinds of scam. The first one is killing someone to get the insurance money and the second one is claiming that someone is dead in order to raise a fund and use this for personal reason.
This information is availablee today in all major newspapers and some additional information that was not transmitted last night on TV.
* Dompig wants the friends and schoolfriend to break their silence. At least would have important information, a piece of the puzzle that might gear the investigation to a closure. These students can always call the police in Aruba.
* The ALE never had the chance to exclude the student from theirinvestigationss since they left before the investigation could begin and the information the FBI got from them was not as detailed and they want it to be today.
* Asked why he is now giving so much information, this is to show the other side of the story since, too much false information is being released. He has o.k. from Aruba to do so but on telephone and not to participate in shows to further put this case in an entertainment arena.
* Also stated that Fred Golba also wants to come back to resume search with his dogs.
* He also wants to interview Ms. Beth regarding his statement on TV's that her declarations were altered.
* He said that since he took over the investigation, because Jan vd Sraaten went on pension, he and the team, went all over the documents and statements, interviews and interrogations once again and found a few holes in the investigation, which he wants to fill in now.
* He was asked about the declaration of one of the suspect in which he said that he assumes that the other suspect killed Natalee he informed that, THAT INFORMATION IS NOT CORRECT. They do not have that kind of statement. Only statement in the media that is accurate is that they left Natalee on the beach.
* He said that the ALE is not excluding any possibilities and scenarios and one of them is that if Natalee was killed, could have been done by others NOT by the three suspects or a combination of the suspects WITH third party. (Scenario One)
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