Thursday, October 20, 2005

And the Party goes on.

Four months after Carlos and Charlie's Aruba has become worlwide known, the party still goes on in this place. Night after night, this is the one of the many places that is jammed with tourists and locals and preferred by young Americans, to have fun or just curious to be at the place where everything happened. Eventhough we are in the last weeks of Low Season, this place is full, even on weekdays.

AHATA, the Aruba Tourism Authority just informed the island, that eventhough we might see a slight decrease in tourism for the month of August and September, this is not as consequence of the stupid boycott a group of person wants to hurt an island of 100.000 persons from all over the world, with. It worked actually the other way around for the island, now Aruba is known all over the world, has world support against the evil plans of a group that forgot the main reason they were suppose to be in Aruba.

AHATA predicts the small decrease due to the unussual heavy Hurricane Season, natural disasters in USA and the price of oil. Year 2004 was a record year and hard to compare it too.
Cruise Tourism has also seen a increase in the first half year. Other Caribbean island might seen an even more decrease in tourism compared to Aruba, since Aruba has the highest returning tourism in the whole Caribbean.

Can you believe that the airfare from Europe to Caribbean Top destination is Euro 1200,-, approximately $ 1500,00


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