Election is over.

Finally, after a few months of name calling, false statements, documents and the already common carnival songs used as political slogan, I can say that these are finally over.
It was held on September 23, 2005. The first results came in around 8:30 p.m. and the last just after midnight. It's a tradition, everybody at home having BBQ and drinks watching the results on TV. After that the party that wins, will celebrate on the streets. As predicted the MEP party once again won the majority in the election, but certainly were a few surprises.
Two political partie are now out of parliament, not even in opposition and two, that originally came from other larger parties, took each one seat in the parliament. MEP too finally 11 seats, and AVP took 8.
On the next Sunday was there a big parade, which certainly would have given the winning party over 15 Seats if they all voted for it. But that's tradition, just keep your party preference hidden and try to gain something the next 4 years.
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