Monday, October 31, 2005

Holland says NO to Chavez.

Just published in the Groene Amsterdammer, a Dutch magazine, the following article.

The Minister for Foreign affairs of the Netherlands, Mr. Ben Bot has recently make an quick visit to Secretary of State of the US, Ms. Condoleeza Rice to discuss some important issues.

Aruba, was definitely one of the reason the Minister had to contact the Secretary and a few other issues were tackled for example the statement of the Extremist president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias, in which this Looney Tune acknowledged on national television that he considers the Dutch ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao) as part of the Republic of Venezuela.

Hugo Chavez Frias is gaining or trying to gain support against the USA in the Caribbean countries by offering special deals on petroleum and other products from Venezuela. And USA is not helping either by letting a group of American to bash and try to boycott one of the Caribbean islands, this case Aruba and letting them do this under the cover of Freedom of Speech.

But The Kingdom of Netherlands categorically denies that the Kingdom will ever let these island be part of other country in the world. These are Dutch countries and will stay so, as long as The Kingdom and the islands themselves want that.

Aruba has multiple American companies, thousands of American tourists everyday and has even a Forward Operation Location on the island to monitor drug trafficking in the area, who uses Aruba as a hub to transport drugs to USA and Europe.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Three Dutch specialist talk about their assistance in Natalee Holloway case.

The case of Natalee Holloway draw a lot of attention from the media this summer. There is a Dutch suspect; F-16’s were deployed and 3 Dutch investigators from Utrecht were also involved.

Ron de Ruiter from the investigating bureau in southern Utrecht, Hans Burgwal from JZZ and Wim Henzen from the investigation division, are just finishing with some formalities and will put an end in the case of Natalee Holloway.

Natalee is an 18 year old American student that on the night of 29 and 30 May disappeared in Aruba, after being with suspect Joran v/d Sloot and the Suriname brothers Kalpoe friends of Joran who also became suspects. After few court hearings and legal presentations, the 3 suspects were set free and Natalee still not found.

Professional Interrogators:Less than 2 months after the Holloway’s disappearance flew the 3 Utrecht specialist, on request from the ALE, to support during interrogations of the main suspect. Later their tasks were broadened with the 2 other suspects. This because Ron and Hans were professional interrogators (TPV). Wim went too for coordination and as facilitator.

“We work close with the Dienst Nationale Recherche Inlichtingen” said Wim, “behavior specialist Bram van der Meer was there for a few weeks already. The behavior of the suspect and the help of Bram were very important to this case.”

And so the three Utrecht men got tangled in the media circus. “It was strange and it did not stop”, told Hans, “CNN spent 90 days long with daily reports on the case, Larry King did the story twice a week. When we got outside we were surrounded by camera crew, journalists and photographers.”

What else did we get? “A skeptical Aruban colleagues” said Hans, “But this was a normal reaction, handling and investigating the case for two months and suddenly new Dutch investigators helping in your case. Then you were forced to show that you were good in your job you are doing. The ice was quickly broken, the cooperation with the ALE was good and became even better.”

“The Aruban police force had done a great job already” said Hans, “as well as quality job and a quantity job. There was so much information on documents. Some Aruban police officers worked for 80 consecutive days on the case. The result was impeccable."

Did your assistance helped in the case? Yes, a definite yes, even though not much information was new in the interrogations. But was that not your main speciality? “Correct”, reacted Hans, “Within all the declarations done, we looked for new facts and inconsistencies. That gave up a lot of information.”

But the case is not yet closed. Was it necessary? Are you satisfied? Hans: “Of course is unrehearsed interrogations from the suspects not satisfying and that the girl is not yet found also. Specially for the family is this very dramatic. But the F.B.I., that followed the investigation, told us that they would not have done this otherwise. That was a very nice compliment. Emotionally, this case will stay with you till the girl is found because this is an once-in-a-lifetime investigation. No matter the result in this case, we have done a lot with the Aruba Police and cooperated well with them and therefore not dissatisfied.

Source: Korpskrant, Politie Utrecht jaargang 7 nummer 14. Published in Aruba 29-10-05.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dompig is Talking.

Deputy Gerold Dompig who is currently heading the investigation in the case of missing Natalee Holloway, has broken his silence on National Television last night and today printed in all major local newspapers. These are his most important points:

* The search still continues at the area west the Fisherman's Hut and stretches up to 3 miles north near the Malmok area. The area they are searching is approximately 700 feet deep and they are one mile off the coast.
* Tim Miller insisted that they are not trying to take the investigation over and does not want to jeopardize it either by giving statements of what they are finding.
*He also stated he is confident in the ALE, but also said that this could be a case where a body is never retrieved.
* Gerold Dompig with a statement on national television tonight said that the investigation is still ongoing and made a lot of remarks regarding some suspicion they are having.
* He restated that the ALE is definitely interested in talking to the mother and does not understand she has not listened to the many request the ALE made to her to come back.
* He finds it odd that the mother is only available through her lawyers and talk-shows. He also commented that it is also odd that they setup an emergency fund in the states, that has grown now up to millions of dollars and yet the father is in Aruba, has no access to that money and has to ask for special hotel rates, comps and discounts to stay here, which he certainly gets.
* He also said that the mother is acting strange, since what the ALE wants to ask her may lay some important keys to what may have happened to Natalee, some questions might be tough, but for a lady that fighting and bashing an island everyday, he can not understand why she is still not here. If she wants to help, come back to Aruba.
* He also wants to know what has been done with the millions that thousand of people put together in the fund.
* He said that this case has two possible scenarios:One: Natalee was killed by some one for certain unknown reason.Two: This case is a scam. In this part he elaborated that are two kinds of scam. The first one is killing someone to get the insurance money and the second one is claiming that someone is dead in order to raise a fund and use this for personal reason.

This information is availablee today in all major newspapers and some additional information that was not transmitted last night on TV.

* Dompig wants the friends and schoolfriend to break their silence. At least would have important information, a piece of the puzzle that might gear the investigation to a closure. These students can always call the police in Aruba.
* The ALE never had the chance to exclude the student from theirinvestigationss since they left before the investigation could begin and the information the FBI got from them was not as detailed and they want it to be today.
* Asked why he is now giving so much information, this is to show the other side of the story since, too much false information is being released. He has o.k. from Aruba to do so but on telephone and not to participate in shows to further put this case in an entertainment arena.
* Also stated that Fred Golba also wants to come back to resume search with his dogs.
* He also wants to interview Ms. Beth regarding his statement on TV's that her declarations were altered.
* He said that since he took over the investigation, because Jan vd Sraaten went on pension, he and the team, went all over the documents and statements, interviews and interrogations once again and found a few holes in the investigation, which he wants to fill in now.
* He was asked about the declaration of one of the suspect in which he said that he assumes that the other suspect killed Natalee he informed that, THAT INFORMATION IS NOT CORRECT. They do not have that kind of statement. Only statement in the media that is accurate is that they left Natalee on the beach.
* He said that the ALE is not excluding any possibilities and scenarios and one of them is that if Natalee was killed, could have been done by others NOT by the three suspects or a combination of the suspects WITH third party. (Scenario One)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

And they lived Long and Happily ever After.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

And the Party goes on.

Four months after Carlos and Charlie's Aruba has become worlwide known, the party still goes on in this place. Night after night, this is the one of the many places that is jammed with tourists and locals and preferred by young Americans, to have fun or just curious to be at the place where everything happened. Eventhough we are in the last weeks of Low Season, this place is full, even on weekdays.

AHATA, the Aruba Tourism Authority just informed the island, that eventhough we might see a slight decrease in tourism for the month of August and September, this is not as consequence of the stupid boycott a group of person wants to hurt an island of 100.000 persons from all over the world, with. It worked actually the other way around for the island, now Aruba is known all over the world, has world support against the evil plans of a group that forgot the main reason they were suppose to be in Aruba.

AHATA predicts the small decrease due to the unussual heavy Hurricane Season, natural disasters in USA and the price of oil. Year 2004 was a record year and hard to compare it too.
Cruise Tourism has also seen a increase in the first half year. Other Caribbean island might seen an even more decrease in tourism compared to Aruba, since Aruba has the highest returning tourism in the whole Caribbean.

Can you believe that the airfare from Europe to Caribbean Top destination is Euro 1200,-, approximately $ 1500,00

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Last Single Prince.

This week, the Last single Prince in the Dutch Kingdom is getting married. His fiancee named Aimee Sohngen will get married this Saturday Oktober 20, 2005 in the Cityhall in Naarden. Prince Floris Frederik Martijn is 30 years old an his fiancee will turn 28 tomorrow. Prince Floris is the youngest son of Princess Margriet and will no longer be part of the Royal Family after his wedding, because he decided not to ask the Parliament for an official approval for this.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

And they Love Aruba

Aruba is known for having a lot of international artist making their vacation here. Aruba is tranquil and sure you won't have paparazzi's here. In the early 60-70's lots of Hollywood stars made Aruba their home. And if you're here, no one would ever know. Liberacci loved it, Madonna was here, even Aruba was used for the lovers Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony when they wanted to escape their married life, they had their affairs in Aruba. Oprah, Tom Cruise, Paris Hilton came here to escape their hectic life. But I am not only referring to American artist, from all over the world. Some have houses here.

Anyway, last weekend brothers Danny Masterson (That 70's Show) and Christopher Masterson (Malcolm in the Middle) were also on the island having fun. They said they liked it a lot and would certainly recommend everyone to come here. They said Arubans are just spoiled, they should be proud of what they have.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

They were happy Together.

They were teen idols, heartthrobs, famous, handsome and adored by millions of women. They were also lovers. Two guys struggling with their sexuality during the hard years of the 1950's and 60's and the even harder world of Hollywood.

Tab Hunter's films, from the box office hits Damn Yankees and Battle Cry to the cult classics Polyester and Lust in the Dust.

Anthony Hopkins, known for his movies like The lonely Man and all the Psycho movies. He died in 1992 but was not outed till now.

In his posthumous statement he said: "There are many who believe this disease is God's vengeance. But I believe it was sent to teach people how to love and understand and have compassion for each other. I have learned more about love, selflessness and human understanding from people I have met in this great adventure in the world of AIDS, than I ever did in the cutthroat, competitive world in which I spent my life."

They lived hidden from everyone and loved each other till the end.

They were set-up a lot with dates by the Studios.

Monday, October 10, 2005

F.B.I. involved or not.

Stories have been changing these last weeks, specially since this case has become a show for people like Nancy Grace and Dr. Phill. Stories are now more bizarre and just now some new information are coming out and some facts are being changed to make the lies more credible.

Some example:

RUBEN TRAPPENBERG: "We understand the concern of the senator. It's just that he doesn't have all the facts. The chief prosecutor just said a day ago that, no, their—the investigation has not hit a dead wall. They are making good progress. And when there is all this talk about, let's get the FBI more involved, the FBI have been here since day one. And that is important to note. And there—maybe he does not have all the details in this case."

"Our prime minister, prime minister spoke with Secretary Condoleezza Rice when he was in Florida at the beginning of June. He also spoke to Governor Riley. So, he's been in communication with most of the leaders on and in Alabama to assure them that anything and everything that can be done will be done."


REPORTER'S QUESTION: "Can you say anything about an American woman, an 18-year-old teen missing in Aruba? She's from Alabama. Her family believes that she's kidnapped. Have there been any discussions with authorities in Aruba or the Dutch Government?"

MR. MCCORMACK: "What I can share with you is that the Department learned on Tuesday, June 1st, that an American citizen was missing in Aruba. The citizen's name is Natalee Holloway and she was last seen on Monday night, I think, on May 31st. Natalee's family have arrived in Aruba and a consular officer from Curacao is in Aruba at this time and is in contact with the family. And we are making sure that we provide all possible assistance to the family and local authorities and would also note that the FBI is also on hand and cooperating with local authorities in the search effort. And beyond that, I can't really offer anything else, due to Privacy Act considerations."


TWITTY: "You know, I want to focus on going forward from now. Of course, you know, living in the past is not going to get us anywhere. I know that they are working tirelessly on this. I know that. I know they are working around-the-clock. You know, I know they are.
And I have confidence that they are collecting all of the evidence that they need. And I know the FBI is involved right there with them. And I feel assured, of all the official people involved, that they are handling all the technical evidence and gathering it that we need."

COLMES: "And are they giving you information that's helpful to you?"

TWITTY: "Yes, they are. Yes."

COLMES: "So they are keeping you in the loop?"

TWITTY: "Yes."

COLMES: "They're not keeping you in the dark?"

TWITTY: "Absolutely not."


BETH TWITTY: "You know, the FBI was not involved from day one, and it was only until my plea that came probably June the 5th that we began getting some response and some involvement from the FBI. But, you know, we had to pursue that ourselves and from supporters in the U.S. to be instrumental in getting that."


Saturday, June 4, 2005 Posted: 1:24 PM EDT (1724 GMT)

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) -- Ten more FBI agents headed to Aruba on Saturday to help search for an Alabama teenager whose disappearance on the last day of a high school graduation trip has shaken the quiet Dutch Caribbean island.

Ten more FBI agents were joining the three already on the island, said Attorney General Caren Janssen.


And as Last:

DERSTRATEN: Yes. We have a lot of police. We went to the TV. We let see the portrait and asked for tips. We checked all the tips we get. But until now, we have nothing on this small island.
And the investigation is going on, too. And I hope you can understand, I can`t tell everything about the investigation. But we are still going on with about 16 police officers, together with the FBI. They were on the island, too.

GRACE: So the FBI is there?

DERSTRATEN: Yes, we are working close together. He arrived yesterday (june 01, 2005), and we picked him up at the airport. And...

Nancy Grace aired 6/02/05

Water Twisters.

Last few days on the island, the weather has been kind of weird. We know that these months, last part of the normal hurricane season for the area of the Caribbean, we should get a lot of raining days. But these days the weather has been too hot to handle. It rains everynight and some days you get the lightning storms. Constantly there are some poweroutages due to these. But most recently twisters have been spotted on the south coast of the island. These are not as dangerous as we the ones we see in the states. These usually form on the warm water of the ocean and as soon as they get on shore, they disappear.

The Prosecutor's Statement.

The investigation into the disappearance of the American tourist Natalee Holloway is still ongoing. The investigation continues and the team is searching for new leads that may help solve this case. At the same time, the investigation that has been done until now is being revised and evaluated.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office is of the opinion that it’s important to bring the following forward with regards to how criminal investigations are conducted on the island of Aruba. The Public Prosecutor’s Office is an institute that has been established by law and the office forms part of the administration of justice and the judicial power on Aruba. The Public Prosecutor’s Office has specific tasks that are laid down in the laws of the island. One of the most important tasks, which is carried out by the Public Prosecutor’s Office as a part of the judicial power on Aruba, is the prosecution of criminal acts. The Public Prosecutor’s Office carries out this task by leading the criminal investigation that is done by the police. After the investigation is finished, the Public Prosecutor’s Office decides if a case will be brought before a judge through a citation.

In the prosecution of criminal acts, the Public Prosecutor’s Office operates completely independent from the Minister of Justice and the Government of Aruba. The Public Prosecutor’s Office does not have to justify its actions with regards to the prosecution of criminal acts to the Minister of Justice or the Government of Aruba. All the accounting that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has to do, will be done before the Common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Only the Common Court of Justice judges if the Public Prosecutor’s Office has done its work, the persecution of criminal acts, correctly. If that’s not the case, the Common Court of Justice can give the Public Prosecutor’s Office the necessary instructions. The Minister of Justice and the Government of Aruba do not have a say in this process. They cannot give instructions to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute somebody or to start a criminal investigation.

If a concerned party in a criminal case, for example somebody who has filed a complaint with the police, is of the opinion that the investigation is not being done or not being done in a reasonable amount of time, this person can file a complaint with the Common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Protect Aruba from criticism and lies.

Lawyer Mr. M. Schwengle, representing the Order of Lawyers took the podium during the judges’ swearing in ceremony. He observed that the Order of Lawyers is extremely worried with the Natalee Holloway situation, especially the criticisms that are affecting our island.

The Order of Lawyers wanted to observe that the Public Ministry [prosecution’s office] has received many criticisms in the way it gave information and even about the manner in which investigation was conducted, from various persons who do not dispose of documents of the case.

During the last months, media have began a witch hunt on Aruba, where they use imagination and create false testimonies (unsigned documents) and lies to keep their story hot in the American audience. The Aruba authorities are considering lawsuits these days for all the lies Nancy Waste is promoting against Aruba. The more lies, suspense added to the story, even though not substantiated by anything, 'cause authorities have not release any investigation information, the more rating. Well, according to them, they're just cable though.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Election is over.

Finally, after a few months of name calling, false statements, documents and the already common carnival songs used as political slogan, I can say that these are finally over.

It was held on September 23, 2005. The first results came in around 8:30 p.m. and the last just after midnight. It's a tradition, everybody at home having BBQ and drinks watching the results on TV. After that the party that wins, will celebrate on the streets. As predicted the MEP party once again won the majority in the election, but certainly were a few surprises.

Two political partie are now out of parliament, not even in opposition and two, that originally came from other larger parties, took each one seat in the parliament. MEP too finally 11 seats, and AVP took 8.

On the next Sunday was there a big parade, which certainly would have given the winning party over 15 Seats if they all voted for it. But that's tradition, just keep your party preference hidden and try to gain something the next 4 years.