Stories have been changing these last weeks, specially since this case has become a show for people like Nancy Grace and Dr. Phill. Stories are now more bizarre and just now some new information are coming out and some facts are being changed to make the lies more credible.
Some example:RUBEN TRAPPENBERG: "We understand the concern of the senator. It's just that he doesn't have all the facts. The chief prosecutor just said a day ago that, no, their—the investigation has not hit a dead wall. They are making good progress. And when there is all this talk about, let's get the FBI more involved, the
FBI have been here since day one. And that is important to note. And there—maybe he does not have all the details in this case."
"Our prime minister, prime minister spoke with Secretary Condoleezza Rice when he was in Florida at the beginning of June. He also spoke to Governor Riley. So, he's been in communication with most of the leaders on and in Alabama to assure them that anything and everything that can be done will be done."
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8485048/REPORTER'S QUESTION: "Can you say anything about an American woman, an 18-year-old teen missing in Aruba? She's from Alabama. Her family believes that she's kidnapped. Have there been any discussions with authorities in Aruba or the Dutch Government?"
MR. MCCORMACK: "What I can share with you is that the Department learned on Tuesday, June 1st, that an American citizen was missing in Aruba. The citizen's name is Natalee Holloway and she was last seen on Monday night, I think, on May 31st. Natalee's family have arrived in Aruba and a consular officer from Curacao is in Aruba at this time and is in contact with the family. And we are making sure that we provide all possible assistance to the family and local authorities and
would also note that the FBI is also on hand and cooperating with local authorities in the search effort. And beyond that, I can't really offer anything else, due to Privacy Act considerations."
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2005/47215.htmTWITTY: "You know, I want to focus on going forward from now. Of course, you know, living in the past is not going to get us anywhere. I know that they are working tirelessly on this. I know that. I know they are working around-the-clock. You know, I know they are.
And I have confidence that they are collecting all of the evidence that they need.
And I know the FBI is involved right there with them. And I feel assured, of all the official people involved, that they are handling all the technical evidence and gathering it that we need."
COLMES: "And are they giving you information that's helpful to you?"
TWITTY: "Yes, they are. Yes."
COLMES: "So they are keeping you in the loop?"
TWITTY: "Yes."
COLMES: "They're not keeping you in the dark?"
TWITTY: "Absolutely not."
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,160612,00.htmlBETH TWITTY: "You know,
the FBI was not involved from day one, and it was only until my plea that came probably June the 5th that we began getting some response and some involvement from the FBI. But, you know, we had to pursue that ourselves and from supporters in the U.S. to be instrumental in getting that."
Saturday, June 4, 2005 Posted: 1:24 PM EDT (1724 GMT)
Ten more FBI agents headed to Aruba on Saturday to help search for an Alabama teenager whose disappearance on the last day of a high school graduation trip has shaken the quiet Dutch Caribbean island.
Ten more FBI agents were joining
the three already on the island, said Attorney General Caren Janssen.
http://www.prisonpotpourri.com/MISSING_PERSONS/CNN_com%20-%20More%20FBIAnd as Last:DERSTRATEN: Yes. We have a lot of police. We went to the TV. We let see the portrait and asked for tips. We checked all the tips we get. But until now, we have nothing on this small island.
And the investigation is going on, too. And I hope you can understand, I can`t tell everything about the investigation. But we are still going on with about 16 police officers, together with the FBI. They were on the island, too.
GRACE: So the FBI is there?
DERSTRATEN: Yes, we are working close together.
He arrived yesterday (june 01, 2005), and we picked him up at the airport. And...
Nancy Grace aired