Thursday, September 01, 2005

And it continues.

Just the morning news:
No new evidence in the case.
Main reason the lawyers were called back and Joran brought back was that the judge did not inform them he wanted them to be at the courthouse after the individual hearing so he could put the guys in the same room as him and confront them with each other.

In this confrontation, the Brothers story and the Joran's story did not match. And both parties keep on stressing that they are telling the truth. Joran's story was changed mainly 3 times during the last 20 something interrogation sessions. He also broke down in court and started crying.

Carin Jannsen told the media that she was happy for what has been a long day in court where she assisted in the case. She told the press that other detentions were possible and that some suspects may go free. That was part of an investigation.

During an hour long interview of the v/d Sloots on TV, they still believe that their son is innocent and they, in the beginning received so many hate letters, and after replying to each and every one, they received appologies from people who aknowledged that they send these letters from being misinformed and misled by the media and also because they did not expect they would get an answer. They are receiving a lot of support from all over the world, even the USA, Joran being guilty or innocent. They all know this is a tragic event for everyone.

The laywers of the Kalpoe Brother were demanding evidences and new proof for the latest arrest of the brothers and just before the case started, they were given a dossier of over 300 pages regarding the new arrests (not the 3-month investigation reports). Including 4 pictures of an underage girl posing in front ot he guys, except Satish.

The judge ruling the case was Mr. Smit. However there is a mistery of whether they will extend their stay, since one newspaper says the judge did extend it and others just are waiting on a Friday decision.


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