Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Politics as Usual

I don't think I'm that obsessed with politics, but if your daily life is being bombarded with political issue every single moment, from TV to radio to Newspaper, who wouldn't be involved? John Kerry or George Bush? From something new to something we are now accostumed with. War, Terrorism, Anti-gay, Anti-Choice, Self involved, Religion driven Governments, Anti-Gun control and more of the narrow minded stuff.... uhmm not only talking about Venezuela and Cuba.

Just a few more days and we'll see if this will be decided once more by a Judge... All those storms were they messages or not?

Well, there is an issue here too about electronic voting. Should we or should we not? Look at what's happening now in Florida... where else... computer glitches. And in Venezuela, how to proof there were no illegal voting and fraudulent counting. Uhmm, shall we say, we have faith.


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