How will the Anti-Arubans perceive this?

She and deputy Dolfi Richardson will go to the States and will reunite with the Aruban Minister for the USA, mr. Henry Baarh in Washington. They will meet with some American officials to inform them about certain aspects of the case and educate some on certain approved talkshows regarding the island, the facts and the truth about the Dutch system.
The police Union, think this is not a good idea. They want to sent someone who is or was in the investigating team. Richardson was never in the investigating team and is now occupying the position left open by the retirement of Jan van der Straten. However, if you want to clarify or inform American Officials regarding the case and Dutch system, I see no problem to send Richardson since giving too much information, sensitive or secrets regarding the case, this will definitely end up in the media, they are politicians afterall. The less the person knows about the invastigation itself the best. We have had a lot of bad experiences with Beth and Jug Twitty who, whenever they got information from the police, released this immediately in the media just to, as they say, keep the story alive. And in the process obstructing the investigation. The position now of the Police Union against this and their position of putting the Natalee Investigation on hold since Friday, because the new District Attorney according to them is not on the island to help in the case but the investigate the investigators themselves. Shouldn't they be happy and this way proof that nothing wrong was done? Nope, once again political views prevails. How will the people following the case receive this information. I see a party going on at Greta and Nancy.
Even Dompig who released some definite sensitive information which was published in the Vanity Fair magazine, has been asked to prevent disclosure of anything else to the media for the time-being.
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