Was Natalee Holloway abused by stepdad?

This weekend the Openbaar Ministerie in cooperation with a local program will be transmitting a live program which can be seen in the Kingdom, via internet. The common goal is to wake up the memories of people that might know something else that did never came forward.
Since the supposed confession of Joran to the ex-convict Patrick van der Eem, who recently admitted on TV that he did all of that hidden camera project for fame, a lot of people came forward saying that Joran was lying.... but the Prosecutors already knew that.
1. Joran could not have called anyone that night, because all phone records have been obtained in 2005.
2. The so called 'payphone' that Joran said he used, does not make local calls, since the company does not have the permits to work locally, it is only for international calls and you have to have a credit card or a US prepaid calling card.
3. The person that Joran invented that came to pick him up, was at that time not in Aruba, but in the Netherlands.
4. The place that Joran said that they were, was actually half a kilometer further north than the Fisherman's hut. The only pier near to that area is located between the Holiday Inn and the Hadicurari restaurant. If they carried a body to the boat... it would have been impossible not to be seen by anyone from the 3 hotels and restaurant that they had to pass in front. There were also some people at the Moomba Beach and fishermen on that same pier he mentioned, that would have remembered two men carrying a girl.
5. The boat, the famous boat. Any boat leaving that pier would have been detected by the Cuerpo Especial Arubano who monitors the waters of Aruba. According to Dompig, all boats in the area were accounted for that night.
6. The time line also is not correct, for Joran to do all that, be with Natalee, call a friend, wait for the friend, carry Natalee on a boat, go with the boat far away to dump a body, come back and walk home, would have taken more than the 2 hours he was last seen by the Kalpoe brothers and the time the police know he was home, by computer records, when he signed on the internet.
Bottomline: Joran did not confess but yet used information and rumors from the beginning available everywhere to make up that story to a friend he wanted to impress.
Not only that, since Joran's confession a lot have happened:
Including new witnesses coming forward saying that Natalee was alive after she disappeared.